Committee Guidelines
So you’ve volunteered to chair an event — now what?
Steps to Follow When Chairing an Event
Contact PAWS Co-Presidents for information. Send an email to
A Co-President will provide you with a list of volunteers who have signed up to help with your event. Be sure to contact everyone who signed up for the committee. Volunteers consistently tell us that it is disappointing not to hear back when they’ve volunteered to help. Please keep them apprised of your plans, and involve them.
A Co-President can also provide you with previous event planning information to help your efforts.
Determine your budget. Check with Co-Treasurers ( to determine the budget for your event.
Plan the event. Apprise Principal Robinson and PAWS Co-Presidents of your plans; they may have helpful suggestions and input.
Request facilities and equipment. Request what you need from the school for your event.
Submit work orders for equipment, tables, and having things moved.
Complete a Use of Facilities Application form if you need to use the school or grounds on a specific day and time, and also if you need a specific set-up.
Submit the Use of Facilities Application form to the school secretary Cassandra Townson (, copying Principal Robinson ( and custodian Tonya Hatchett (
It will be helpful to stop by the school a day or two prior to your event to make sure you and Ms. Hatchett are on the same page regarding what preparations are needed.
Publicize your event and recruit volunteers! PAWS’ weekly email newsletter and Facebook page are the primary places to publicize your event, recruit volunteers, make announcements, etc.
Submit information for PAWS’ weekly email newsletter and Facebook posts by 12:00 p.m. Wednesdays to PAWS the co-secretaries ( The email newsletter is sent on Fridays.
If you are hard-pressed for help despite your best, timely efforts to recruit volunteers, contact a Co-President.
Making Copies. PAWS will reimburse Glenside for the paper we’ve used. Contact a Co-President for the copy code.
Principal Robinson must approve any flyers sent home.
The office secretary, Cassadra Townson, can tell you how many students are in each class.
Put copies (with directions to teacher) in the teacher's mailboxes (located in the office at the front of the school).
Money matters:
If you will need a cash box for an event, submit a request using the online form: Glenside PAWS Cash Box Request.
If you spend money for your event or committee and would like to be reimbursed, please save your receipts, and report them within 30 days of the event using the online form: Glenside PAWS Reimbursement Form. Email scans of the receipts to
If you are collecting money, encourage participants to use Venmo or PayPal rather than cash.
To request PAWS to issue a check to a vendor, use the online form: Glenside PAWS Vendor Check Request Form.
Plan to leave no trace. Assign committee members to clean up and leave the space as found.
Thank Participants. Please be sure to thank your committee, volunteers, or any donors. Feel free to use the PAWS logo for letterhead.
Debrief. Fill out the online Post-Event Comment Form to record your notes for you (or a successor chair) to use next year.
Questions? Contact the PAWS Co-Presidents (contact info above). They are here to help you.