Phone: 215-881-6440
Qualifications: • B.A. in English/early childhood education, Hampton University • M.A. in elementary education, Columbia University Teachers College • Ed.D. in educational and organizational leadership, University of Pennsylvania • Advanced Studies Certificate in School Administration, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education • Instructional II Certificate K-6 • Administrative Certificate K-12
Dr. Michelle Robinson
Welcome to Glenside Elementary School…home of the Bears!
I am Michelle Robinson, proud principal providing servant leadership to Glenside Elementary. Thank you for visiting us and for your interest in Cheltenham School District. I encourage you to explore our website and learn more about our school and the many reasons why Glenside Elementary is a bright spot in our community!
The acclaimed author/educator, Rudulf Dreikurs said, “The development of a child’s potential depends on the ability of educators to perceive the child’s possibilities, to stimulate the child to learn and thereby, to make the child’s latent potentiality a reality. At Glenside, we have high expectations for all learners. Our diverse school community allows for us to draw from a variety of perspectives to create spaces where the needs of all learners are met. We are reflective practitioners committed to constantly revisiting the ever-changing needs of our children so that they may achieve at high levels.
At Glenside, we value the intersection of home, school and community. When these three stakeholders connect, share ideas and resources; the synergy is powerful! Driven by the shared vision of our district, “To create experiences that drive innovation for teaching and learning. In doing so our culturally diverse community becomes a model of excellence in education,” Glenside Elementary welcomes you to join us in making this vision a reality!
Michelle Robinson